Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hello my name is Red Leap. I am an Interdisciplinary Studies major with a minor in psychology. My last name for Central will display my maiden name as I didn't bother to change the school information with only one quarter (this one) to go. I graduate at the end of this quarter.
For my last quarter here with CWU, I am actually residing in Colorado Springs. (I started my drive home this morning). I too will be overwhelmingly busy this last quarter. I am taking 15 credits, moving to CS, CO. Two months later we are moving into a smaller place. A week from that we are driving back to WA for both mine and my brother's graduations. A week after we return to CO, we officially get married. PHEW! I get freaked just talking about it! Oh, and I need to find a job. :)
My passion is animals and at-risk youth. Eventually I want to be a counselor for at-risk youth. We also want to be foster parents. I am considering pursuing a Master's in social work. Ever the underdog advocate.
I am a Seattle native. I am 1/4 Canadian. I've hardly traveled outside the US. I've been to over half of the United States. I have no children besides my two cats and my fiance's dog. I love to read. We are pursuing growing our own food and making our own meals avoiding processed as much as we can. 
I have taken many psychology classes and am eager to gain different perspectives.