After watching Frontline: Abortion Clinic and reading the article Bringing Abortion Back to Wichita by A. Robb (Ms. Magazine, Winter 2013 p.12-13), I was a little shocked that such behaviors still exist. I grew up in Seattle, WA. This is a pro-sex, pro-choice, relatively healthy sexuality environment. The only protesting I ever really saw were the Broadway college kids arguing about who knows what. There was no one advocating for women's rights to be taken away. No one saying an abortion makes you a murderer.
The first time I went to Colorado, I drove past a church with blue and pink crosses covering their lawn. It took me a minute to realize this was for abortions. A couple weeks ago, my fiance exclaimed that he was astonished Planned Parenthood advertised the way they do where we live (which is about an hour away from Focus on the Family).
The Frontline documentary is a little outdated, though I now know this behavior still exists. One of the maps showed me that Colorado, while not being the worst state, still lacks many of the privileges I took for granted living in Washington.
Personally, I love Planned Parenthood. I couldn't imagine living in a country that doesn't provide services the way ours does. When I read the article For the Price of a Pad by L. Villarosa (Ms. Magazine, Spring/Summer 2012, p. 40-42), I was blown away. I did not realize that having ones' period could be such a devastating thing in a girls' life.
I am both saddened and enraged by the ignorance of others and the unwilingness to educate onesself. The pictures and props that one pastor had are actually false. 10 week old fetuses do not look like people, but rather alien creatures beginning to resemble people. Of course, this was the 80s, so what did he know?
Gloria Steinham was right. "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament!"
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