Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Stupidity of the Penis

Ok first of all, who threatens to run for president? I mean, what kind of person threatens that? Secondly, why are men so freaking dumb?! We got A&F CEO Mike Jeffries hating fat people. We got Donald Trump being a douche and threatening to run for office. We got Fred Phelps doing whatever malicious bullshit he's doing. We got Republican Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas telling women they can't have abortions even if the fetus is brain dead. I mean come on people. Have you lost your minds? Oh wait. They're all men. Hmm.... What the hell is going on here? And clearly Trump does not understand that men are victims of rape also.
I just had a Glee marathon and in one of the episodes a male character talked about being molested when he was younger by his babysitter -- an older woman. I was very disappointed how Glee handled the situation. The other teenage male characters chastised him for his experience and told him he should be proud. Regardless, my point is that being a man doesn't make you immune to rape. It does, however, make you more fearful and ashamed to come forward about it.

Women are lucky in that we don't have our masculinity built up and told it's the greatest thing ever. For a man, rape takes his masculinity away and can challenge his sexuality beliefs. I'm not saying these things don't happen for women. Women are extremely traumatized (especially service women).

I identify with the women in The Invisible War and everywhere else who feel that the actual incident wasn't nearly as bad as the treatment they received afterward. Now, I'm not a victim of MST, but I am a survivor of sexual assault. The things my "friends" put me through afterward were much worse than anything he did to me.

Ok, back to the point. If I had a chance to "talk" to Donald Trump, I wouldn't. Honest to <insert deity> I would punch him in the face. Period.

This week has been very triggering for me and I'll be damned if I have to hear another man discount or invalidate women.

I would like to amend my earlier statement at the beginning of the quarter in which I said I do not consider myself a feminist. I wholeheartedly retract and amend the previous ignorant statement. You bet your ass I'm a mother fucking feminist! The world better prepare itself.

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